Review: Killing Floor

Killing Floor by Lee Child My rating: 2 of 5 stars For a first novel, it was okay. But the plethora of cliches got to be a bit much, and right at the end, in the very last chapter, I couldn’t continue anymore. So I set it aside for awhile, and when I got back…

Best Writing Style Is …

Many blogs and magazines write about how writers write. Newbie writers lap these articles up as if they’re gospel and try to emulate. I know, I’ve been there. But the more I see how others write and how my own writing style is evolving, the more I realise there’s probably as many ways of writing…

Nesting Robins and Writing

There’s a robin’s nest near my kitchen window, hidden but for the activity around it. Robins zip into my view and land on a tasty patch of soil nearby, pecking at dead strands of grass, running along, pecking at another attractive set of nest-looking threads, running along until beaks drip many threads. Then they launch…

Review: Persuader

Persuader by Lee Child My rating: 4 of 5 stars I borrowed this ebook from the library because I’d read Lee Child’s short story [b:The Second Son|12215815|The Second Son |Lee Child||17156027], really enjoyed it, wanted to try out a full-length book of Child’s, and Reacher #7 was the only one available to borrow. I put…

Review: Never Sleep With a Suspect on Gabriola Island: An Islands Investigations International Mystery

Never Sleep With a Suspect on Gabriola Island: An Islands Investigations International Mystery by Sandy Frances Duncan My rating: 2 of 5 stars I was all set to like this one, really like it. Good plot, neat idea having two people working together to solve a crime, set in BC — and it’s Canadian! It…

Review: Three Witnesses

Three Witnesses by Rex Stout My rating: 4 of 5 stars I liked this threesome of short stories. Because it was an ebook that I’d borrowed from the Toronto Public Library, I hadn’t realised when I began reading it that it was three stories in the one book, each showing a different side of Nero…