Type 2 Diabetes Plays Gotcha

I haven’t blogged about myself in much depth because for years my lawyer banned me from blogging about even the most trivial personal item. I did graze the line when I ranted about raccoons, but I think that was forgivable. No one can withstand a raccoon rant. But today, I turn a  new, quivery leaf,…

The Anniversary of Freedom

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 1 year, 2 days, since my day of freedom. Although that day was supposed to be July 17th in 2008, in actuality it was July 18th, a Friday. This past spring, it seemed like June, when memories reared up of June last year filled with pre-trials and insurance…

Happy Canada Day 2009!!!

Canada is a paradise. That’s what I thought when we came here. Empty streets, clean pee-free sidewalks, trees and more trees, and cool grass under the tootsies. Most amazing of all, everyone had a car! That was my childhood impression. As I grew up, I noticed other differences. Racism infected my Canadian schoolmates and society…