NaNoWriMo and the TTC

Seven days in, and I’ve written every day of NaNoWriMo. I haven’t been able to do this in years. Most amazing part: write, edit, fine tune, and post one chapter to Wattpad every day. Up to now, at best, I wrote one chapter daily during November. Never edited before. Too scared to even post it…

The Collective Toronto Yawn for Canada’s Brain Injury Awareness Month

Diversity Our Strength — that’s Toronto’s motto — and the words people on the progressive side of the ledger espouse and people on the conservative side support, although progressives mayn’t think so. During the cricket season of brain injury awareness month this June, I have to ask: who is included in the diversity tent? CBC…

The Collective Toronto Yawn for Canada’s Brain Injury Awareness Month

Diversity Our Strength — that’s Toronto’s motto — and the words people on the progressive side of the ledger espouse and people on the conservative side support, although progressives mayn’t think so. During the cricket season of brain injury awareness month this June, I have to ask: who is included in the diversity tent? CBC…