Seven days in, and I’ve written every day of NaNoWriMo. I haven’t been able to do this in years. Most amazing part: write, edit, fine tune, and post one chapter to Wattpad every day. Up to now, at best, I wrote one chapter daily during November. Never edited before. Too scared to even post it…
Category: News
Anything new in my life and work or occasionally in the news that’s related to me, my books, or the people I wrote about in “Lifeliner” a biography.
The Collective Toronto Yawn for Canada’s Brain Injury Awareness Month
Diversity Our Strength — that’s Toronto’s motto — and the words people on the progressive side of the ledger espouse and people on the conservative side support, although progressives mayn’t think so. During the cricket season of brain injury awareness month this June, I have to ask: who is included in the diversity tent? CBC…
The Collective Toronto Yawn for Canada’s Brain Injury Awareness Month
Diversity Our Strength — that’s Toronto’s motto — and the words people on the progressive side of the ledger espouse and people on the conservative side support, although progressives mayn’t think so. During the cricket season of brain injury awareness month this June, I have to ask: who is included in the diversity tent? CBC…
Reading Evaluation Results for Comprehension Issues After Concussion
I wrote last time about my reading evaluation. This post is on my results. When you have a brain injury and rehab tells you that you can’t read anymore, you assume that they’ve done a thorough assessment and analysis of your reading cognition. You’d assume wrong. Reaction In 2005, five years after I was told…
June is Brain Injury Awareness Month
June is brain injury awareness month in Canada. Other nations use other months to raise awareness about brain injury. But what does raising awareness mean? Do we simply want people to hear about it over their morning coffee, then go on about their lives, oblivious to the suffering all around them? Or do we want…
Voice of America Interview for Concussion Is Brain Injury
I’m so excited to announce that my interview with David Byrd for American Café, Voice of America, is now up and live! After he interviewed me about my experience and my book Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me, he spoke to Dr. Lynda Thompson of the ADD Centre about me, the treatments,…
Spreading My Wings, Spreading the Word about Concussion
So much has happened in the last little while! It felt like I published Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me and then . . . Nothing. For months. When suddenly . . . I have been invited to be a Psychology Today blogger . . . This is so cool, my post…
I am a Psychology Today Blogger!
My New York publicist for Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me has been working hard to acquaint various media outlets with my book and persuade them to review it. Psychology Today was one of those media. But they decided against reviewing my book — sigh. Instead, on April 17th, they wrote my…
BIST Community Fair and Expressive Art Show — A Buzzing Blast!
The BIST Community Fair and Expressive Art Show was in a new venue. Off of Yonge near Brain Injury Society of Toronto’s offices. People found it easier than last year so the place was buzzing as they checked out all the resources like Sunnybrook Family Navigation, 211, Cota, Free Geeks, and of course BIST. Quite…