I attended yesterday’s BIST meeting to celebrate the awarding of a $72,300 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, an agency of the Government of Ontario. I expected the usual boring speeches. Instead, Ontario MPP Mike Colle got up and grabbed the crowd’s attention with his compelling no-notes speech on how brain injury is leaving the…
Category: News
Anything new in my life and work or occasionally in the news that’s related to me, my books, or the people I wrote about in “Lifeliner” a biography.
Quitting Squidoo for Violating my Terms of Service
The Error message reads: “Whoops! No publishing allowed. This lens is currently locked for a violation of our Terms of Service, as per the email we sent you. You’re welcome to a) Grab your content and take it elsewhere, if you’d rather not continue with Squidoo or b) Review your content and make edits here…
Time and Space, a NaNoWriMo Novel, Sent off to Beta Readers
Finishing a novel and handing it off to my Beta Readers always makes me feel both nonplussed — am I really done? I forgot something, I’m sure I did — and at loose ends. I wander about my place, wondering what I’m supposed to be doing. Sometimes my pocket calendar is insistent enough to point…
Announcement: Now Affiliated with Iguana Books
I’m pleased to announce that I’m now affiliated with Iguana Books and that they will be working with me on my next two novels. Writing is not so solitary! Greg Ioannou has been my editor since the day I walked into his Colborne Communications office with my in-progress manuscript for Lifeliner. This was in 1999,…
My First Guest Post on a Writer Blog!
L.M. Stull is an Indie Writer like me and “spends her days chained to a desk at a law firm in southern Virginia.” She’s on Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads, and she runs the Fellow Writer’s Group on Facebook. She wrote A Thirty-Something Girl, a literary novel that’s garnered praise. And I’m pleased to announce that…
Scary Writing Goals
“Now listen, you who say, ’Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’ ’Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” (NIV James…
Sweet Happy New 2012!
Friends and Readers: May your end-of-year Be happy And 2012 Be blessed And your tastebuds be acquainted with good macarons.
Getting Down to Revising Time and Space, my Third NaNoWriMo Novel
After my first NaNoWriMo, I took only a couple of days off and then got right into revising my novel, while I could still remember it. After my second, I didn’t. Big mistake. Between the inevitable loss of motivation, impetus, and memory issues, revising Aban’s Accension became difficult and almost didn’t happen. And so for…
Winning NaNoWriMo 2011
I won NaNoWriMo!!! Phew. Winning National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) means I wrote 50,000 words of a novel in one month, the month of November. What it doesn’t mean is I’m finished. I wish! Nope, not finished. Sigh. I took a break Monday from writing once I had completed my novel (which is officially 65,637…