Last night at midnight, I joined my fellow Wrimos in the insane endeavour of starting writing a novel when one should be asleep! It’s been too many years since I was ready to write, excited to write, able to join my fellow Wrimos at midnight on my computer. Since 2013, it’s been an exercise in…
Category: News
Anything new in my life and work or occasionally in the news that’s related to me, my books, or the people I wrote about in “Lifeliner” a biography.
Concussion Is Brain Injury is Published!
“Jeejeebhoy’s tale is highly emotional…uplifting, while giving a realistic view of recovery.” Self-Publishing Review Kind of unbelievable that it’s finally done! Today, good stuff happened. I got my first review of the revised edition from Self-Publishing Review in my inbox — and such a nice review too! They also created a book page for it…
Week Five PZ Brain Training and Concussion Is Brain Injury Update with a Side Order of Scrivener
I’m entering the August/September fatigue-drums. Deadlier than the doldrums. Perhaps good timing that my health care professionals are all taking vacations. Sequentially, not simultaneously, of course! Tsk. But at least my schedule will be quieter. Bwahahaha! What am I thinking?! The universe always finds a way to cut into my quiet time. Anywho, not much…
Concussion Is Brain Injury: Legal Files Fact Checking
Well, I thought I was done. And then my lawyer’s office emailed. My legal files were there, ready for my fingers to walk through them, my eyes to pick out from among the bazillion copies of the bazillion medical reports, the memos, letters, undertakings, discoveries, police notes, and motions I needed to fact check against…
Concussion Is Brain Injury II Off to the Editor’s
I laid it all out, every particle of energy, every neuron corralled in the effort to finish my manuscript by the June 9th deadline. I could’ve gotten an extension, but mentally, the thought of working beyond my capacity for one more day slayed me. I’ve been working beyond my capacity for over a month, and…
Patreon Quest
In my never-ending quest to find a way to earn an income with a brain injury that keeps interrupting the flow, I’ve joined Patreon. It’s a nifty way for readers who like my books and my blog to support me, like the patrons of old, except for as little as $1US per month. Many artists,…
Healing the Brain Conference in Toronto
People who read this blog know brain injury isn’t treated by the mainstream medical model. This conference was a way to bring awareness to a way that actually can heal people. I storified my live tweets. [View the story “#HealingTheBrain Conference” on Storify]
Gaining a New Purpose for Concussion Is Brain Injury
I attended a unique all-day conference featuring Dr. Norman Doidge and Dr. Lynda Thompson on #HealingtheBrain that brought together survivors, medical professionals, lawyers, and insurance representatives to learn about and discuss a totally new way of treating brain injury. I live tweeted most of the day – my way of taking notes plus share with…
Edits are Back!
Well, I got back the developmental edit of Concussion Is Brain Injury. As expected, my editor did a bang-up job. Hard questions, detailed comments, nit picky on the grammar and punctuation in the way all good editors should be. Awesome! But also really, really tough for me because of the thinking and decisions involved. This…