The siloed practice of medicine has lead to a terrible pandemic response. The Swiss Cheese model of preventing COVID-19 transmission demonstrates the power of whole-picture thinking.
Category: Health
Writings on health and nutrition, the health care system, doctors and therapists, heck, anything to do with health.
Four Month Post-New Concussion Followup
Election 44 day, and it feels like a good time to write on concussion. Recovery at first stretched slow slow slow then in August snapped into sudden improvements. That’s brain injury recovery with treatment for you. Writing The blast injury ripped apart my ability to respond to writing reminders, remember to work on posts, and…
Six-Week Post-New Concussion Update
Brain injury is so strange to us because, despite our vast knowledge of the brain, we barely understand it. I can write small, sort/of-poetic observational tweets, or copy-and-paste a few sentences from one of my Psychology Today articles or brain injury pages into Hootsuite to post, but now six weeks after my new concussion, I…
Three-Week Concussion Treatment Update
The horror fest of concussion recovery, a job nobody wants, contains dramatic improvements. As I continue the treatment protocol I outlined in my last post, my reading is almost back to normal. I doubled my reading time on Sunday to 16 minutes without experiencing dizziness or nausea. Unfortunately, a concentration headache comes on with reading…
What To Do When Concussed Again?
Sound waves lift brain, carry it forward in its bath of fluid like it’s a wave itself. No pain. Eerie feeling. Concussed again. But nothing like the car crash, though I’ve been resisting that PTSD flashback for about a week since this out-of-the-blue incident. Guess I now know why I felt such a push to…
The Brain and Heart Rate with Laser Therapy
Brain injury rose my heart rate to 130. My hypothalamus fix, brain biofeedback, particularly gamma brainwave training, began to drop it. It was a miracle when I first saw my heart rate drop into the double digits during a 3-minute gamma training screen. But it was low-intensity laser therapy (LILT) that dramatically improved my heart…
Harnessing The Sun’s Red Rays For Your Health
Medical Assistance in Dying, Bill C-7: A Letter To My MP on Euthanizing Disabled
Medical assistance in dying is suicide by another’s hand, one that was trained to heal and restore life. It’s now being targetted at people on the basis of disability. This issue is so serious the UN has weighed in on it. I wrote the following email to my MP this week (I’ve omitted my intro…
Meditech Rehabilitation Laser Centre
The Clinic Q&A Five is designed to help people discern what clinics will suit their brain injury needs best. Read what Meditech Rehabilitation Laser Centre will provide you in your recovery. I ask five questions; the clinic provides answers, links, images, video, and contact info. You get to compare and decide. This is a new feature,…