OMG. The brightness, the clarity, the colours popping and sharp are almost as overwhelming as right after my eye surgery. We trained a new area this past week in brain biofeedback. I haven't yet blogged on my evoke and 19-point qEEG assessment. But the big finding was that once again my precuneus was off the…
Category: Health
Writings on health and nutrition, the health care system, doctors and therapists, heck, anything to do with health.
Brain Injury Reassessment, Part One
I got my brain assessment results back. There are a lot of them! I'll talk about them in the order I did them until I peter out then finish another time. The first ones were the usual questionnaires. Can't stand them as I did a bazillion the same or like them for too many insurance…
A Stunning Heart Improvement
"Did you see that?" I exclaimed to my brain trainer after I'd finished my HRV screen. "Yes!" "It went up to 5.5!" "I know, and it was smoother." "Yeah, and I couldn't tell, but was it bigger?" "Yes, it was definitely bigger." "We should have video'd it." "I know. I was thinking where's the camera…
Brain Assessment at the ADD Centre. My Sixth…or Seventh…?
It’s hard to believe it’s been 12 years since I had my first proper brain assessment. Since then, new ways of looking at the brain have emerged and software updated. As well as my vision. That’s what I first noticed when I walked into the ADD Centre, Mississauga office — how blue it was. No,…
Fording Union Station for TTC Presto Card
I haven’t updated on the recovery-from-eye-surgery front in awhile. Here’s one. The first week of May, I had to go to the GO area in Union Station to buy a Presto card for the TTC. Why? Because the TTC in its disability-and-poverty-and-non-online-people hating wisdom, haven’t installed machines that take cash. At their in-station Gateways, you…
Edits are Back!
Well, I got back the developmental edit of Concussion Is Brain Injury. As expected, my editor did a bang-up job. Hard questions, detailed comments, nit picky on the grammar and punctuation in the way all good editors should be. Awesome! But also really, really tough for me because of the thinking and decisions involved. This…
Manuscript for Concussion Is Brain Injury II Submitted to Editor
I made my deadline! I submitted my manuscript for Concussion Is Brain Injury update to my editor. She’s now doing a developmental/structural edit — looking at the big picture, content, storytelling. Grammar and spelling edits come in the final copyediting round in June/July. The last week to meet my deadline was deadly. I’ve not worked…
Returning to the Subway after Eye Surgery
After an extended Christmas-and-Cogmed break, I’m back to orientation mobility training with my CNIB guy and weekly practice stints with my Vision Mate. My eye surgeon saw me for the last time last week and explained I had to keep exercising my peripheral vision (seeing everything all at once) and eye tracking (moving eyes from…
Cogmed Rehab of Brain Injury Working Memory Over!
Cogmed is over. I’m both really glad and kind of sad, for it’s been five weeks of something different that also makes me feel like I’m regenerating my brain in real time, not the usual let’s wait a couple or more months or years (or decades with traditional rest and strategies) and see if this…