E-Rehab. I’d never heard of it before this week, yet it makes so much sense. At last, I thought, two people in the health care community are acting on the fact that those with brain injuries need lifelong support around things like scheduling and organizing, long after they’ve left rehab and active treatment. Although I…
Category: Brain Power
Musings on what makes for a powerful brain. This category also includes the sub-category Brain Health, which covers all things related to brain injury.
Attention, Attention, We’re Talking Attention and Traumatic Brain Injury
OK folks, pay attention, it’s attention lesson time. I know, I know you go through life not having to worry about such a thing, unless you have ADD or a screaming baby. But when life smacks you across the head, ringing your brain, it becomes über important to you and those around you because it’s…
The Continuing Medical Insanity of Brain Injury
You know, it’s a good thing I grew up in a medical family, learnt how to do research and search through libraries from a young age on, studied hormones from age 11 until, I think, 22 (through sex ed, biology, sciences), and took a one-year physiology course at the University of Toronto, else I may…
Anger Provides a New Opportunity
I got a call. Would you like to join an expert panel on creating a training manual for anger management of people with brain injury? Uhhhh…. Good question. Did I want to take this road, of becoming involved in the brain injury community? So far, I’ve joined a social group as one of those hang-around…
Limp Case Manager; Strong Behavioural Therapist
Last week, I met my case manager, about nine years late. It’s taken me since then to see if I can figure out what happened. Nope. It’s not that I’m new to case management and slow on the pickup, it’s that it was so, well, limp. Back in mid-1991 I was in a rear-ender that…
Seeing the Physiatrist: One More Step to an Answer. Maybe.
You often hear at the end of a standard news story on the umpteenth car collision of the week, “no life-threatening injuries.” Well, those “no life-threatening injuries” in me are causing me to still be seeking medical help 10 years later, partly because traumatic brain injury (TBI) health care is so fragmented, so little understood,…
Ten Years. How It All Began.
I find it difficult to believe that it’s exactly ten years (18:30 15 Jan 2000 to 18:30 15 Jan 2010) since I was injured in a multiple car crash on Highway 7 in Woodbridge, an injury I thought at the time was like the one I sustained in another car crash back on 10 June…
Nine Years, Eleven Months, Twenty-Eight Days
M.V.A. January 15, 2000 is how every letter from my lawyers is referenced. M.V.A.: Motor Vehicle Accident. It was no accident. Any effing idiot who tailgates on Highway 7, a road with near-highway speeds, steep hills, and stoplights at the nadir — and what dumbass road engineer thought traffic lights at the bottom of a…
NaNoWriMo Has Created So Much in Me
Only two more days, two more sleeps, two more chapters until the end of National Novel Writing Month. I’ve had so much fun, writing alone yet in a group of hundreds of thousands, that I’ll be sad to see it end. I’ve achieved far more than I expected; heck as of today, I achieved the…