Reading after Brain Injury: Making the Decision to Try Restoring It Again

So after stressing and dithering and talking and talking with my health care team, I’ve taken the plunge and will soon restart my efforts to take back my reading from my brain injury.I wrote previously about a recent comprehensive reading assessment with Lindamood-Bell, a US company devoted to training/restoring reading and math to students and…

The Collective Toronto Yawn for Canada’s Brain Injury Awareness Month

Diversity Our Strength — that’s Toronto’s motto — and the words people on the progressive side of the ledger espouse and people on the conservative side support, although progressives mayn’t think so. During the cricket season of brain injury awareness month this June, I have to ask: who is included in the diversity tent? CBC…

The Collective Toronto Yawn for Canada’s Brain Injury Awareness Month

Diversity Our Strength — that’s Toronto’s motto — and the words people on the progressive side of the ledger espouse and people on the conservative side support, although progressives mayn’t think so. During the cricket season of brain injury awareness month this June, I have to ask: who is included in the diversity tent? CBC…

Another Step in Restoring Reading after Brain Injury: Reading Evaluation by Lindamood-Bell

As followers of this blog know, reading issues continue to plague me. A couple months ago, Dr. Lynda Thompson of the ADD Centre suggested I do a reading evaluation with Lindamood-Bell as she felt this would show me I don’t stack up too badly against the norms for my age group and gender. Lind-a-what?? Took…

Moving On From Reading

There’s a huge irony in my reading rehab journey: I thought long and hard about what it would take to restore reading after brain injury; I wrote about my theoretical program; I’ve done bits and pieces of that program; I am now receiving the bare minimum of help for reading. My second and third posts…