Paragraphs in Lockstep, Restoring Reading Comprehension After Brain Injury with Lindamood-Bell

Working the neurons, changing pathways in the brain, fills every cell in my body with white noise. Fatigue while learning how to comprehend written text is spreading into the rest of my life. “Where do you want to meet next time?” “Uh . . .” “What part of the city do you want to do…

Introducing Whole Paragraph on the Seventh Day Visualizing and Verbalizing Reading with Lindamood-Bell

My consultant popped in during the first hour of my session and read to me a whole paragraph. I ensured I understood the idea before she began reading. The idea: as she reads, I’m to visualize — create images and moving pictures in my mind — of what she’s reading. When she’s finished, I tell…

Week Two: Polar Bear Club Leads Visualizing In Lindamood-Bell Reading Comprehension

Tis a strange thing to be wearing a light cotton shirt while one’s clinician (instructor) is wrapped up in a scarf and jacket. We’re still getting used to seeing each other from different time zones, different day of the week, opposite seasons. I noticed right away that the first Sentence by Sentence was tougher than…