GABA and Gamma Waves

I’m trying to understand GABA, specifically I’m trying to understand how I can induce GABA secretion in my brain so as to replicate an astonishing experience I had with a research drug, a GABA analogue. I started thinking, no, wondering if or how brain waves and neurotransmitters are linked. GABA is a neurotransmitter, and I…

Clinical Trial Woes

Sooo … I was in a clinical trial recently. It was, uh, interesting being on the other side of the guinea pig fence. The drug did more than expected. And then it was taken away! But I get ahead of myself. It was March 1 when this story began. I saw a new specialist and…

The Sleep Study

It’s me and the men. Fat men. Snoring men. Young men. And extremely picky men. That latter is a new one to me in my five (six?) sleep studies. Seriously, does this guy think a hospital is going to purchase his preferred kind of sheets just for him? It’s not like in the pre-bed bug…

The New Sleep Specialist

A new year, another new doctor. The first thing my new specialist said as soon as I sat down was: I know what your problem is. Pause. You have physician fatigue. No kidding. Astute. I don’t recall another doctor noticing that on their own or, if have, acknowledging it openly to me. I immediately paid…

The Sleep Questionnaire Marathon

Sleep disturbances and brain injury go together like bread and butter. But I had sleep problems even before my injury. I’ve had four (five?) night-time sleep studies and one day-time one, the latter as part of the first night-time study. They’re, uh, fun. Think round things glued with concrete to your skull, straps round your…