Well. That was a weird session. There I was, waiting as my trainer was starting up the sailboat screen, watching the sailboats begin their race, when I suddenly realised the EMG boat was whizzing ahead of the others. And at the same time, I was realizing I was feeling distinctly unwell. I was hot. I…
Category: Brain Health
Writings on brain injuries, remedies, and interesting tidbits, from the perspective of one who suffered a closed head injury and didn’t lose consciousness. Mild brain injuries are injuries too.
Gamma Brain Biofeedback: A Good List
Arrive in a bad mood.Leave in a good mood. Arrive feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, wondering how I will do this, this exhausting, demanding brain training.Leave knowing success is again and always possible. Arrive with a fast heart rate.Leave with a less fast heart rate and a lighter chest and easier breathing. Arrive tired.Leave uplifted. Arrive…
Gamma Brain Biofeedback: Progress in Increments
I've been changing for the past week. It's a strange feeling to be in flux, to feel your brain rewiring itself and that rewiring or regeneration suddenly taking effect. And even stranger when not only one aspect of you changes, like speech, but many or complex ones, like stamina and thinking in real time or…
Gamma Brain Biofeedback: The Chicken or the Egg?
What’s the diff between a treatment like cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) and what I’m doing now? Between a psychological therapy and gamma brain biofeedback or neurofeedback? I was trying to explain this yesterday to a therapist, how gamma brain biofeedback has improved my mood because I feel more competent. That’s what CGT does, she explained. But…
Gamma Brain Biofeedback: I’m in Good Canadian Soccer Company
My stress levels were high today. Memories. Writing worries. The usual. When do memories get good again? When do they stop revolving around loss and grief like a non-stop flushing toilet? But I digress. I still wanted … no, maybe because of the stress, I craved the challenge of brain biofeedback today. Making the thresholds…
Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback: Looking Up!
Today went the way things are supposed to go. Do something to up gamma brainwaves, and they go up. Deep breathe, and heart rate responds. Start off the whole thing with low muscle tension, good EEG numbers, and the heart rate I began with back in June. Over the last few weeks, the latter has…
Gamma Brain Biofeedback: A Rejig
After I discussed my recent results with them, the ADD Centre has changed up my training. As my trainer put it, after seeing how I did after the first couple of screens: you do better if we’re not nice. (Well, everyone at the Centre has always been exceptionally nice to me, but I knew what…
Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback: A Writing Day
I don't know what to make of today’s gamma brainwave biofeedback results. To say they were up and down is a bit of an understatement. I'm going to have to discuss this with the ADD Centre head person on gamma. The good news is the writing section went well. After the usual HRV screens and…
Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback: Performance Appraisal
Today was a little different from my normal gamma brainwave biofeedback session. We did one neurofeedback screen — the hardest one — after the usual opening HRV ones. But then my trainer removed my temp and heart rate sensors, I opened my novel-in-progress, she started up a screen with music off, and I began revising…