I’m obsessive about saving files. Every person my age who used computers in the early days knows the horror of watching a computer eat your paper up (putting a new spin on the old, “but Sir, the dog ate my essay”). Today, that sort of thing happens so rarely that people get complacent. With all…
Category: Brain Health
Writings on brain injuries, remedies, and interesting tidbits, from the perspective of one who suffered a closed head injury and didn’t lose consciousness. Mild brain injuries are injuries too.
Week two of SMR Training at C4
Week two of C4 SMR training, and things are looking not quite as rosy. Delta-theta is the wandering mind; busy brain the worrying mind on
Return to the ADD Centre: Beta Training at C4
New year, new protocol. C4. No, not the explosive kind, but the electrode to the right of CZ — mid brain — and over my right ear and I think a bit forward of it. And with C4 no more gamma. We’re now training 13-16Hz — SMR with a hint of problem solving. And we’re…
The Unconscious Mind in an Injured Brain
TVO devoted a week of primetime programming to Mysteries of the Mind. And The Agenda, hosted by Steve Paikin, featured a different brain-focused topic each evening as introduced by Dr. Norman Doidge, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in Toronto and author of The Brain That Changes Itself. One of TVO’s multi-part documentaries was on the unconscious…
Affect, Trauma, Anniversary Week of a Brain Injury
Affect can be a fickle mistress. When affect works as it should, we are unaware of its role. We laugh, we cry, we snort, we sigh, we get serious, and we devolve into silliness. And we do it all as normal responses to the vagaries of life. But woe to your affect when you suffer…
Pills are Not the Only Modality of Treating the Brain
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how the medical system treats the “mental illness” aspect of brain injury, that is, moods, thinking styles, that sort of thing. I’ve never been put on drugs for depression or concentration problems, but I know others who have, and my neurodoc has talked to me several times about…
Something Different in Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback
“Can I videotape my brainwaves?” I asked my trainer. “Sure!” she said, and I handed her my iPhone, gleeful thoughts of finally getting to play with iMovie dancing in my head. I’ve been in a bit of a blogging funk lately. At the same time, I’ve told lots of people about the neurofeedback I do,…
Random Health Thoughts
It's been so long since I've blogged on my brain biofeedback treatments, it almost feels like I'm not doing them. But I am. I continue trucking along, each session a 3-minute assessment, 5-minute HRV screen aka deep breathing in rhythm with heart rate going up and down, three neurofeedback screens of 3 minutes each bowling,…
Biofeedback, Technology, Blogging, and Fatigue
I'm getting an iPhone. Hopefully, this year; they’re a tad in demand. I made this decision after weeks of building problems and one particularly frustrating set of days. One big problem I have is that I can write on my iPod Touch within the white noise of the subway but cannot post my draft to…