Reflecting on the past 25 years living with traumatic brain injury as I walk into the continuing fog of the future.
Category: Brain Power
Musings on what makes for a powerful brain. This category also includes the sub-category Brain Health, which covers all things related to brain injury.
Spontaneous Brain Injury Healing Notes
Spontaneous healing of brain injury does continue after effective treatments end. A doctor observing these improvements helps patients keep working at their home therapy.
Blood Pressure Revisited
To figure out out what to do about my yo-yoing blood pressure, we have to look at my coping skills (fine), the actual stress I’m under (situational, emotional, physical, mental), my physical parameters (weight, diet, exercise), and how my brain has affected the whole shebang.
Updating My Writing Steps
Updating my writing steps: Getting back into fiction writing means reminding myself how I got from idea to finish manuscript.
Decisions require emotions, so writes Lisa Cron in Story Genius. Maybe that’s why for years my decision-making skill vanished. It returned bit by bit. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, I asked fewer and fewer people for advice. Yeah, I had fewer to ask, but I also told myself not to ask every single person I knew but…
My 24th Car Crash-Brain Injury Anniversary
I cannot comprehend that I have lived longer as an adult with brain injury than I did without one. My new life with catastrophic brain injury began on this day almost a quarter century ago.
Left Neglected: A Book Review
Left Neglected is a novel about an intelligent, driven, Type A woman, Sarah Nickerson, who crashes her car and injures her brain due to driver distraction. My review from a brain injury perspective.
Birthday Gift to Myself
Birthdays aren’t usually a topic on my blog, but this year, the sun is out, the sky is blue, my life has been upended for over a year, and I’m musing over this ⤵️ What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever found (and kept)? My reading. Yeah, I know “found (and kept)” denotes an object. But…
Six Minutes Rowing Since Y2K’s Traumatic Brain Injury
We bought a Concept II rower back in the late 1990s, the same one athletes use for training. We both used it. Me with my blood pressure that had a tendency to drop under stress from lack of catecholamines, couldn’t do much in comparison to fit and tall him. But I was progressing up levels.…