The iUniverse Design Services Associate sent me the front cover. Looking good! Now, book production starts in earnest. The book block will be designed, then the text proofread before I see it and review the proofreading changes (hopefully there won’t be many). After that, the book quickly becomes a physical and finished reality. Cannot wait!
Category: Books
Cover Being Designed
The book cover is being designed, and then the Publisher’s Choice committee will review and approve it, after which it will be sent to me for approval. Very exciting!
Editor’s Choice!
Awarded Editor’s Choice. Whoo hoo!!! Currently, iUniverse is polishing the cover copy for the book.
Revisions Done!
Really pushed myself, and could not wait to take a nice, long break, but I got all the revisions done on time. This is it, folks. This final manuscript is the one you all will read once it’s published. What a nerve-wracking thought, but exciting too! Exciting because it means that from here on, except…
Grammar Fixed
Received back copy edit. Well, let’s just say, I need to brush up on my grammar. Maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on myself — there was quite a bit of fixing to conform to house style too!
Finished…Well, This Part Anyway
Finished revisions. Whew! Back to editor for a grammar check. That will take 3 to 4 weeks to do and be sent back to me.
Rewrite Time!
Received the full edit of my manuscript. Now it’s time to put nose to grindstone, and for the very last time edit, rewrite, and finish my manuscript. Yay!
Being Edited
Received sample edit, and they’re waiting for my response. This is a toughie. I’ve been on the editor side before, but it’s my first time as an author (except for structural editing, which is much more fun and less intensive). I want to scream “don’t touch my work!” but of course that won’t make for…
And So It Begins!
Manuscript in Editorial at