Back in 1999, my ex and I drove up to Judy Taylor’s first house on the lake. I wanted to take photographs of not only her place, but also the area around it, the roads there and back, and of her church in Bobcaygeon. I don’t remember what I intended to use the photographs for,…
Category: Lifeliner
Anything to do with my first book “Lifeliner” a biography.
Diabetic in Sweden Reads Lifeliner and Helps His Feet
It’s been too long since my last blog post, but my mind was totally blank about topic possibilities this morning. And then I got an e-mail from my Swedish friend Britt Lindqvist, and my eyes popped. I met Lindqvist through the research I did for my book Lifeliner. Those of you who have read the…
Book Published in US First? Register it!
Us Canadians have it easy. We write a work; it’s copyrighted. It’s not only copyrighted here but also in all the countries with which Canada has copyright relations, by being a member of the Berne Convention, including the United States. However, many of us Canuck authors can’t get attention from Canadian publishers if we streaked…
WD Judge of Self-Published Book Awards Comments on Lifeliner
Almost a year ago, I submitted Lifeliner to the 16th Annual Writer’s Digest International Self-Published Book Awards. I recently heard from them, much to my surprise. Unfortunately, my book “was not among the winners.” That’s a nice way to put it; they gave me a participation certificate. The winners will not be announced publicly until…
Connecting to Community
I spread my presence across the bookstore Net and then realised I was overextended. I signed up for Amazon Connect awhile ago. It’s similar to Community; in fact the Community is probably a take-off of Connect. I tried to stay current with both, but in the end, especially after all of Amazon’s shenanigans, I’ve…
The Woman Who Could Not Eat
“Judy sure always had a good time. She arrived with a smile on her and left with a smile.” Click here to see what others are saying about Lifeliner and Judy, the first person to live for 20 years on Total Parenteral Nutrition. Welcome! Thank you for stopping by! It’s good to see you here!…
On Bookpiggy’s Nightstand
Awhile ago, I participated in miniBookExpo and had my book claimed for review. I didn’t see anything appear and just about forgot about it. But I follow minibookexpo on Twitter, and one of its tweets got me to check out its site and then to look for Lifeliner’s reviewer. And much to my sweet surprise,…
Thoughts on Living with Tape on One’s Chest
What’s it like to have something stuck to your skin, year in, year out? When I was writing about Judy Taylor, I didn’t spend a lot of time imagining this, probably because for her, the G-tube (gastrostomy tube) consumed much more of her thoughts with its incessant leaking onto her skin than her catheter or…
Appearing on the Jack E Jett Show on RationalRadio
I sat by the phone at 2:45 pm, waiting for the call from the Jack E Jett show on or 1360 AM Dallas, progressive talk radio. I was going over my summary for the final time when I noticed the clock had ticked by the magic hour. Suddenly the phone rang, once, and pounce,…