Spontaneous Brain Injury Healing Notes

Spontaneous healing of brain injury does continue after effective treatments end. A doctor observing these improvements helps patients keep working at their home therapy.

The Day the Rice Blew Up

Write about your most epic baking or cooking fail. My most epic cooking fail happened decades ago. I’d volunteered to cook for the dinner party my parents were hosting for 20 people. I was 14 years old and already used to cooking for 6 or 8 or more people. Twenty was a new goal! I…

Blood Pressure Revisited

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

To figure out out what to do about my yo-yoing blood pressure, we have to look at my coping skills (fine), the actual stress I’m under (situational, emotional, physical, mental), my physical parameters (weight, diet, exercise), and how my brain has affected the whole shebang.

Back To Feedblitz


Feedblitz has an impossible design template, a confusing layout, but it doesn’t fatally crash my website. Who knew that MailPoet, a plugin by the makers of this website’s software backend, would regularly throw up bugs and, in a final act of petulance, create a fatal error requiring hours to fix: time with support, restoring an…

Cover Reveals Title

Today is the day! I’m ready to reveal the title and cover of the first book in my trilogy!! But first, drum roll, please, with a final cymbal ring, as I reveal the trilogy’s title. The Q’Zam’Ta Trilogy As I pondered, tested, googled various trilogy titles using the word “resurrection” or some English synonym, I…

Updating My Writing Steps

Updating my writing steps: Getting back into fiction writing means reminding myself how I got from idea to finish manuscript.