Write about your most epic baking or cooking fail.
My most epic cooking fail happened decades ago. I’d volunteered to cook for the dinner party my parents were hosting for 20 people. I was 14 years old and already used to cooking for 6 or 8 or more people. Twenty was a new goal!
I have no memory of my menu, only that I included a rice dish with vegetables in it, and my cooking was proceeding nicely.
I have no idea why I put the green Corning ware bowl on the gas stove to finish cooking my rice dish. Well, I was 14 at the time!! Naturally, it exploded. Rice everywhere! Vegetables and large pieces of green Corningware dotted the stove, counter, and floor!!
Being a young teen, I had a bit of a meltdown. “What happened?! Why did it explode?! How can I clean this up?! Dinner’s never going to be ready on time! Dinner is ruined!!!!” Aren’t hormones combined with horrified shock fun‽
Luckily, my father dove in and helped me clear up the mess and calm me down. My mother had probably told him, “You deal with her!” Heh.
He told me to start again.
I did.
Before my brain injury, I was quick, like really fast in thinking and doing. Not only did my second attempt at the rice dish work out with no explosion, but dinner was a success. I wanted to cook for another dinner party!