Spreading My Wings, Spreading the Word about Concussion

Published Categorised as Books, Concussion is Brain Injury, Marketing, News

I made the 2018 Word Guild Awards ShortlistSo much has happened in the last little while!

It felt like I published Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me and then . . .


For months.

When suddenly . . .

I have been invited to be a Psychology Today blogger . . .

. . . I was asked by online magazines to write articles for them (in progress); conducted a radio interview (yet to air); and . . .

Ramryge angels at Gloucester Cathedral, England

Brain injury grief is

extraordinary grief

research proves

needs healing.


. . . I have been shortlisted for the 2018 Word Awards. I was a finalist with my novel She for the 2012 awards, so this is pretty cool to be a finalist for two different books!

I introduced myself in my first post for Psychology Today, and then got down to business, reading business, for my second two posts:

Reading Loss: The Genesis of Grief, the Seed of PTSD

Cognitive Empathy for Reading Loss After Brain Injury

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