Receiving the Proof of Aban from Amazon CreateSpace

Published Categorised as Publishing, News

Aban CreateSpace Proof Cover Mosaic Shireen Jeejeebhoy 2011-06-23One of the nice perks of winning NaNoWriMo is that you get a free proof copy of your manuscript from Amazon’s CreateSpace. One of the downsides is you have only until the end of June to get it. I suddenly realised that last week. Eek! So I prepped my text, uploaded it, and after some hemming and hawing, decided to use their free online cover creator, using my own photo for the background. I had used a similar photo to represent this novel while I was writing it during National Novel Writing Month last November, and I thought the imagery still applied. They emailed to say the proof copy would take until the first week of July to arrive. It took two days!

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Here it is: front, back, and spine. Way cool! Flipping through it, I already found my first sentence to rewrite. Needless to say the manuscript needs revising, feedback, and editing. So this won’t be the version I’ll be publishing, and it will be awhile before it’s available to the public. But it is rather nice to have a book version of the first draft!