Going to be on the Jack E Jett Show! Whoo hoo!

Published Categorised as Lifeliner, Marketing, News

Tweeting on Twitter is paying dividends I didn’t expect. Tweeting is fun; reading others’ tweets is funny, enlightening, boring, and never predictable. It keeps me writing when my brain isn’t up to much composition. Those are the dividends I was expecting and hoping for. But what I didn’t expect are the opportunities it brings.

Jack E Jett of RationalRadio.org, 1360 AM, “Progressive Talk, All Day, Every Day…” radio in Texas, asked me to come on his show on Sunday for an eight-minute interview. It took me less than eight seconds to say yes, heck, less than eight nanoseconds. When opportunity knocks, yells, or whispers hello, I leap. If the last few years have taught me anything, it’s that!

According to the radio station, the Jack E Jett Show “asks its listeners to open their minds without fear of their brains falling out,” and boy will this story challenge and surprise them. Inevitably, in response to my giving the Cole’s Notes version of Lifeliner, I get the question, “Is this true?” And then, sometimes, “Is this science fiction?” Sometimes, I wonder if people truly believe me when I tell them it’s not science fiction, it’s reality. And then even when they do and read the book, some think I made up the last chapter. I didn’t! It’s true. It’s all true!

I have no fear of public speaking, but I do worry about being able to keep up with the questions, for apparently he has a “show that is dynamic and spirited, while maintaining chatter that is intelligent and inimitably fun.” I can be those things, but the question is can I be them fast enough? He worked with Sandra Bernhard on television, so I can imagine the questions aren’t going to be run of the mill! Still, that worry isn’t going to stop me!

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The beauty of the internet means you don’t have to live in the Dallas/Fort Worth listening area to hear the interview; you can listen online, through RationalRadio.org’s website, from anywhere in the world. So on Sunday, 28 September 2008 at 1:45 pm CST (that’s 2:45 pm EST), I encourage you to tune in, for it should be interesting.