A Book Trailer is Made

Published Categorised as Lifeliner, Marketing, News

Finally, finally I have a book trailer made!

I had heard about these from somewhere and had thought, “What a good idea!” For those who want to get the quick and dirty about what Lifeliner is about, a video is the ideal method. I’d intended to try and do it myself, but eventually had to admit it was beyond me. Still, I didn’t know how else to get one done, and I’d just about given up on the idea when Reader Views reviewed Lifeliner and, at the same time, informed me of all the services they provide authors, including PreViews aka book trailers aka book videos.

In my usual way, it took me awhile to make up my mind whether to contract with them or not to produce a video, but once I did say yes, the video came together pretty quickly. The producer, like everyone else at Reader Views, was extraordinarily helpful and pleasant to work with. Our biggest challenge was deciding on the music, but in the end it all came together nicely.

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I’m very excited and pleased with the book trailer and invite you to watch it on my website — the YouTube embedded video is situated top and centre on my website’s main page — or for a larger, high-quality version, please visit Veoh. I hope you enjoy it!