Time and Space
Kidnapped into the future, Time must fight to return to her present or die.
“Hands grab my shoulders, my arms, my waist. They twist my skirt up. A faint thuck-thuck sounds as my iPod touch clatters to the concrete from my shot-open hand. Shock silences my scream and freezes my arms and legs. The foreign hands drag me down the alleyway. Too late, my vocal chords vibrate, for we’re not in the alleyway anymore. We’re in a white place where the white walls hum into the space.”
Time Travel Toronto
An ordinary life. A normal commuting morning. Time doesn’t see her future coming as she contemplates her 40th birthday.
“I am reading Time and Space by @ShireenJ and loving it! What a great writer!” — @Mariam_Kobras, 26 May 2013!
Three boys kidnap Time 1,000 years into the future. Unamused, their prof demands they remove her. “But don’t contaminate the timeline,” he shouts. The boys resolve this conundrum by dumping her in their favourite time and space: her future, their past. The Nasty Time. A time no one can leave. But a bikini-clad girl attempts to foil their plans by slipping Time instructions on how to build a time machine to get back home. Time wants no part of science, physics, and all that stuff nerds do . . . until she meets Space. It’s 2411. She’s still turning 40. And she wants home.
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