Thank You!

My Website Subscribers

I want to thank you so much for supporting me through your subscription to my website. Your subscription encourages me to keep writing on my website and blog. You’ll receive a weekly digest of my posts every Tuesday morning.

As a thank-you gift for subscribing, I’ve created for you a beautiful ebook of a selection of my poems, illustrated with my photographs, and have highlighted three of them with audio readings. Please download and enjoy Memory to Memory. This ePub is readable in iBooks, available on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, and wherever ePub 3 ebooks can be read.

I hope you enjoy this multimedia ebook. Please visit my website at any time for my latest writings.

My Patreon Patrons

Patreon provides a means for readers and others to say to me — with their scarce dollars — that they believe in me and want to fund getting my books published and out the door to more and more readers. To my Patreon patrons: I am in awe of your generosity every time I work to get one of my books out, for your financial faith in me keeps me at it, whenever my health allows me.



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I say THANK YOU!!!