We found 27 results for your search.

My 24th Car Crash-Brain Injury Anniversary

I cannot comprehend that I have lived longer as an adult with brain injury than I did without one. My new life with catastrophic brain injury began on this day almost a quarter century ago.

Left Neglected: A Book Review

Left Neglected is a novel about an intelligent, driven, Type A woman, Sarah Nickerson, who crashes her car and injures her brain due to driver distraction. My review from a brain injury perspective.

Application of Visualizing and Verbalizing Begins to Improve Reading Comprehension After Brain Injury

We’ve reached the application stage! The goal when I began the Visualizing and Verbalizing program with Lindamood-Bell was to get to the point where I could read novels, neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind. Novels because my entire life prior to my brain injury I’d read fiction, novels since I was a child. I carried a… Continue reading Application of Visualizing and Verbalizing Begins to Improve Reading Comprehension After Brain Injury