We found 135 results for your search.

Left Neglected: A Book Review

Left Neglected is a novel about an intelligent, driven, Type A woman, Sarah Nickerson, who crashes her car and injures her brain due to driver distraction. My review from a brain injury perspective.

Learning Is Forever

Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow. As I read this prompt, I immediately thought of the day I decided to call the ADD Centre and said “yes” to attending there for their expensive assessment and treatment program. Their program was outside any kind of medicine that I… Continue reading Learning Is Forever

Gamma 38 to 42Hz Audiovisual Entrainment for Brain Injury, Single Subject Study

Introduction In 2012, following my inclusion in and subsequent exit from a drug trial that increases GABA in the brain, the ADD Centre, working with me, demonstrated that brain biofeedback of 39 to 42Hz at CZ can increase gamma brainwaves and effect radical improvement in a person with brain injury. You can find the research… Continue reading Gamma 38 to 42Hz Audiovisual Entrainment for Brain Injury, Single Subject Study

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Thoughts on Designing Gamma Audiovisual Entrainment Experiment

I’ve tried all three of the gamma audiovisual entrainment (AVE) sessions on Mind Alive’s DAVID Delight Pro device and have enough information to start developing an hypothesis and methodology. I began this experiment because COVID-19 pandemic disrupted my weekly or three-times-a-month gamma brainwave biofeedback sessions at the ADD Centre. It soon became apparent that in… Continue reading Thoughts on Designing Gamma Audiovisual Entrainment Experiment