Did you miss Book Expo Canada? Did you even know there was such a thing? Have no fear, you can still get your book fix through Mini Book Expo. And, even better, if you or someone you know would like to write a few words about Lifeliner, you can claim it, read it, and get…
Category: News
Anything new in my life and work or occasionally in the news that’s related to me, my books, or the people I wrote about in “Lifeliner” a biography.
Fundraiser Day
Saturday dawned beautiful. Clouds painted white streaks high across the sky, a sky coloured a deep vibrant blue that we haven’t seen in awhile. People emptied out of their homes to soak up the warm sun and be refreshed by the breeze moving through their light jackets and sweaters. Some flocked to nurseries, others into…
Fundraising for Heart and Stroke Foundation
Marilyn Wetston, who mentioned me on her Sunday morning AM740 radio show, has invited me to sign books at her monthly Women for Women Event on Saturday, May 24th. I’ll be there from noon to 3:00 pm, signing books and, even more importantly, helping to raise funds for the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s AED mission:…
On Authors Blogs
Authors Blogs is a listing of those who write and those who blog about writing. Their motto is “It’s hard to write. It’s hard to blog. If you do both, you belong here.” They believe I do as I’ve just been approved! They list in alphabetical order by the first word of your name.
Mentioned on AM740!
Fantastic news: Marilyn Wetston kindly talked about my book twice this morning on her Sunday radio show From a Woman’s Perspective on AM740 in Toronto. Nicknamed “The Wardrobe Doctor,” Marilyn runs a fashion store, appears on the radio (including Internet radio) and television, and writes for a large variety of Canadian and Ontario print media.…
StumbleUpon Pimps My Hits
Somebody StumbledUpon one of my posts for the second time, and this time, today, I decided to make a greater effort to figure out how to add the StumbleUpon widget to my website. Suddenly, after I did that, one person then another added my joining-the-chapters-community post to their book pages on StumbleUpon. The number of…
Fellow iUniverse Author Wins Leacock Medal
Terry Fallis, a fellow Publisher’s Choice and iUniverse author, has won the 2008 Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour, which includes a cash prize. I’d like to point out that he beat traditionally published — and well-known — authors like Douglas Coupland and Will Ferguson to win this coveted prize.
Amazon Continues to Squeeze Authors and Small Publishers with BookSurge Ultimatum
I wrote earlier about Amazon attempting to force print-on-demand publishers like iUniverse and Lulu and other small-press publishers to use BookSurge to print all books sold through Amazon. Essentially, the retailer is also the printer and wants deep discounts from publishers for the privilege of printing through them. The discounts will lead to lower royalties…
Lifeliner on Midwest Book Review’s Bookwatch
The Midwest Book Review was established in 1976 and “publishes several monthly publications for community and academic library systems in California, Wisconsin, and the upper Midwest.” Among those publications is MBR Bookwatch, and you won’t believe whose book ended up in the March 2008 issue? You got it: mine! “The MBR Bookwatch is a monthly…