But is it? Isn’t screen time more like social time?
How do you manage screen time for yourself?
I don’t have timers or use apps that block surfing or social media. I have a routine instead.
Way way back, I used to take one day off from all things digital and computer because my “addiction” to it was draining my batteries. And my batteries ran on 1% all the time as it was.
Brain injury really does a number on your energy and on your work and social life.
I tried to balance the two, while learning work isn’t returning any time soon, and reconfiguring my social life to virtual because old friends ran as fast as they could away (such a typical response to brain injury in a loved one — read my books on why!).
But when your TV shows and movies start streaming over the internet instead of through the air to your TV antenna, it’s a bit hard to shut off your router for the day. Even after Lindamood-Bell restored my reading comprehension in 2018, I still didn’t have enough energy and reading stamina to replace TV with books.
Then, on top of all that, PTSD hit hard and I needed distraction every single day to get through them.
So limiting screen time, taking a weekly sabbath, became difficult. A new routine to the rescue!
I read most mornings, outside as much as possible. I take my walks as prescribed. I occasionally read over lunch instead of watching some streaming thing. These break up the day and limit my screen time.
In the end, though, I figure it’s more important to engage through the screen when brain injury and then the pandemic isolated me, than it is to worry about how many hours I spend on my phone, tablet, and computer and watching TV or Netflix.