Paragraph by Paragraph vs Whole Page when Visualizing and Verbalizing

Published Categorised as Brain Power, Treatment

Interesting note here about the formatting of the reading materials Lindamood-Bell uses in its Visualizing and Verbalizing program. When I’ve read Paragraph by Paragraph stories up to tonight, they’ve looked like paragraphs online — no tab indents and line spaces in between. The Whole Page the Associate Director had me read out last night to test how I would do with reading a whole page at once looked like paragraphs you’d see in books — tab indents and no line spaces. Tonight we read Paragraph by Paragraph stories, but they were formatted like the Whole Page story I read last night. That’s because these grade level 9 stories we can read one paragraph at a time or the whole story all at once (their choice? my choice? not sure yet).

The other thing is that we can also read them similarly to the way I read Multiple Sentences a few weeks back. When the paragraphs are short, we can combine two of them as if they are one: I put down one coloured felt square onto my desk and read two short paragraphs, then the story is taken out of my sight, and I give a word summary based on the pictures I formed. Repeat for the next paragraph if it’s a longer one or next two paragraphs if short. I suppose this is a way of easing me into reading a Whole Page. Start with reading a paragraph or two using material formatted the same way as a Whole Page story, then when I go on to reading a Whole Page, my eyes and perception are used to seeing book-like formatting so that my brain can forget about processing the formatting and focus solely on the language (written text) and creating imagery.

My Duck logo walking on my books in pink and blue shading.



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