Review: The Girl in the Green Raincoat

Published Categorised as Book Reviews, Writings

The Girl in the Green Raincoat
The Girl in the Green Raincoat by Laura Lippman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The problem with ebooks is that you can’t tell how long they are unless you remember to check the page number (assuming the retailer lists that info). And so I didn’t realise this was a novella until I was about a third of the way through it. But no matter.

I liked the bite-size catchup of what Tess is up to. I liked that, despite its short length, one still saw growth and reaction to change in Tess. Because the plot necessitated differing points of view, it gave the reader a new look into the other characters that a single point of view would normally not reveal. It was a good size for a brief escape.

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