Lifeliner, the eBook, Launched on Smashwords!

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“A compelling story.”

“Shireen Jeejeebhoy has written an extraordinary account of Judy Taylor and her fight for life starting in the 1970’s when medical science was not as it is today.”

“When (Judy) was drugged up, she’s going, ‘I can’t die cause there’s no way that Cliff can raise those three girls by himself. He can’t do it. I have to live.'”

“Jeejeebhoy’s style of writing sets the right pace as we follow Judy’s medical difficulties….It is truly a fascinating and eye-opening story which was well written.”

“Reading it will make you laugh, smile, cringe, cry and most importantly, think. If you want inspiration, Lifeliner has no shortage packed into its pages.”

“Thank you so much for telling the story of your father’s care for her and the strength and courage she displayed in such a compelling and interesting way!”

Just some of the nice things reviewers and those who knew Judy said about my book Lifeliner: The Judy Taylor Story when it first came out in print and limited eBook distribution. Recently, Smashwords made it possible for authors to publish their books in multiple eBook formats and have them distributed to all the big virtual bookstores from Amazon to Sony to Kobo to Apple’s iBookstore. It was time to properly join the eBook digital revolution.

Judy Taylor relished her simple happy life. She had a loving husband, three young daughters, a beautiful suburban home. Good health. Suddenly, intestinal blood clots annihilated her guts. Judy faced the certainty of starving to death in a cold Toronto hospital. “Don’t let me die,” she cried out. The year was 1970. There was nothing they could do. And then they heard of a radical young doctor doing revolutionary work on artificial feeding. She went for it; she agreed to become a guinea pig. And Judy lived two more decades without eating again. And because of her courage, she gave people a better chance at living with AIDS or cystic fibrosis, recovering from traumas, and surviving the rigors of chemo. Lifeliner is Judy’s inspirational story from death to life, from ordinary woman to medical pioneer.

Today, I’m proud to announce that Lifeliner is available on Smashwords and has been approved to be distributed to Barnes & Noble, Sony, Kobo, Amazon, and Apple. To celebrate this awesome occasion, I am offering — until May 31st only — Lifeliner for a measly $1.99 at Smashwords. Simply enter coupon code TX53X at checkout to receive this special introductory price.

At that price, I would buy it even if I didn’t know what it was, said one reader.

Read a free sample. Then take advantage of this amazing offer and download it in your eBook format of choice. And if you have a moment, please leave a review too!

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