Another Good Review!

I’m starting to feel like a critically acclaimed movie: lots of good words, not the commensurate number of sales. Still, the review of Lifeliner I just stumbled across was a real upper. When I searched for “jeejeebhoy” on, I did a double take when I saw next to the title of my book “4…

Amazon Continues to Squeeze Authors and Small Publishers with BookSurge Ultimatum

I wrote earlier about Amazon attempting to force print-on-demand publishers like iUniverse and Lulu and other small-press publishers to use BookSurge to print all books sold through Amazon. Essentially, the retailer is also the printer and wants deep discounts from publishers for the privilege of printing through them. The discounts will lead to lower royalties…

Amazon BookSurge Ultimatum

Just when you think selling books couldn’t get any harder, along comes the wonderful news that Amazon is using its hefty muscle to force POD publishers to use BookSurge (which it owns) to print their print-on-demand (POD) books else risk having the Buy button for their authors’ books turned off. Sure, you can still purchase…

In Indigo, and Amazon Shorts

Time isn’t a smooth, linear line; it’s a logarithmic curve that crawls and then gathers steam, until that big day, once barely visible in the far distant future, rushes upon us all of a sudden. Indigo at Bay and Bloor will stock Lifeliner: The Judy Taylor Story, starting on Tuesday, February 19 and ending 8…

Linking Can Be Amusing

Beta is code for screwed up. One must remember that! I decided to give’s Context Links (Beta) widget a try, thinking it’ll pick up my name or the title of my book. Ha! It picked up on Judy’s name first. Only problem was it went to “Judy Taylor” the author of Dudley Dormouse, a…

My First Amazon Review

I’ve received my first Amazon review! It’s on the UK Amazon site, and I’m still chuffed about it!! It was strange to see four stars all lit up for something of mine and awfully humbling to read what he wrote. I’ve always liked to see how readers interpret my stories, and it’s no different for…